Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Today. today, today, today.....

So today,

...has been a pretty regular day I must say :)

Therefore, I figured I would take some time to re-cap the my blog (blog didn't rhyme)

The gap---began end of Jan. and spanned to almost the end of April. What did I do??

Well, beginning Feb, to mid April was semester break! The school system is just completely different here, including semester beginnings and ends. In September I dreamed that during this 2 month break I would somehow find the perfect travel buddy and I would go snowboarding in the Alps for a week, to Spain for a week etc etc.........this did not exactly happen, but! I still had a blast!

Feb--I was in Köln for most of the time.....I did things including going to some friends houses for weekends, getting extremely sick for 3 days straight--->like didn't leave my bed for 3 days kinda sick.....but the best part by far, was when my friends Cara and Angie came to visit me! We met up in PARIS, toured the city for 4 days and then they came back to Köln with me and experienced Karnival (a giant German costume festival) and other things in the city! It was so great to have them here!

March till mid April--> This time was definilty a highlight of the entire year! I lived in Amsterdam for 6 weeks, volunteering at a Christian Hostel there. I got to live with 30 other volunteers from all over the world! We worked around 6 hours a day 6 days a week in the hostel (either cooking in the cafe, cleaning the kitchen, talking to guests, basically just being around to give the hostel a fun environment). I really liked the work, but I think my favourite part with the living was almost like living in residence again. There was always someone around to go for a run with, shopping, talk, play music or whatever, plus, the international environment made for alot of hilarious jokes interms of people mis-interpreting things in the language and funny accents etc.

I really like the Dutch people too, and I think I might want to do a work and travel thing in Holland sometime! The language is right inbetween English and German, so I could actually understand people....somtimes :) just sounds People say german sounds aggresive or really "throaty"...but these people have not heard Dutch!

Anyway, gotta go.....
till next time!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Three days till Munich!!

Trying to hold to my promise, here I am again, actually writing 2 days in a row!

I've just been practicing guitar....I think the two "practical" things I've learnt this year, that I will really take with me for the rest of my life will be the language and guitar!

I started last semester with this beginner course, bought a guitar from this girl at school and havn't stopped playing since! I love it! If I go a day without playing her, I actually miss it! (unlike die Klavier)

So, in three days I'm going to Munich!! I can't wait! Part of my goal for the next 2 months is to have something planned for every weekend!! This way, during the week school, practicing and volleyball will keep me busy and weekends will fly by due to the events!

My friend Frida (she's another exchange student from Finnland) and I are leaving Thursday night and hopping in a car with someone who's going to drive us to Munich. They have this thing in Germany called "Mitfahrt"--which means "driving with"--basically there's companies that organize carpooling and we're giving it a shot! Thomas is his name--we've talked about it and decided we'll shorten it to Tom Tom.....its about a 6-7 hour drive so we figure we'll be on a nickname basis by the end. :D

Yes, so, the plan is...get to Munich thursday night, there's this "Frühlings Fest" going on...some German celebration of spring.....(personally I feel these people have festivals for EVERYTHING...ex. lets celebrate Oktober, Spring, Karnival, there's one's called "Strong Beer Fest"....havn't heard of one called "Weak Beer Fest"--but I wouldn't put it past them lol....but even though I chirp, I love it!!)....They have so many cool traditions. I will have to let you know what goes on for this one!

...back to the plan....arrival Thursday, then Friday, SAturday and Sunday = walking tours, sight seeing, shopping, Wießwurst eating before noon apparently....(I was told that when in Munich, you HAVE to go eat a große Wießwurst for breakfast....not sure why..but am determined to do it) and celebrating Spring!

So that is all for now. Talk to you soon!


Monday, April 27, 2009

Gettin' back in the game

So, for some reason I have a new desire to write here again.

I thought about it at first, and thought "oh man! then I'll have so much to write and try and re-cap from the last 4 months that I have written nothing...its too much work!"....but I decided just to give a brief summary of my reflections and then just start where I am in the here and now.

I hope to just write about some of the dumb stories that happen during my days..stories that I would normally tell people "at the end of the day" when I go will be my "people at home" :)

So, first of all, I'm still here....still in the land of the Germans....I have 2 months left and I am definitely getting excited to come home!! I can't believe its somehow been almost 8 months that I've been here! That seems so unrealistic to think, but when I look at all the lessons I've learnt, I know it must not have been a dream.

Now, I'm not talking about lessons in school or German etc....although there have been many of those.....the things I've learnt about myself, about culture, people, and what's important in life out-way anything I could learn in school. Even thought now, I'm a little bit wishing for the end to come already, I wouldn't trade this experience for anything!

So, for the little dumb story of the day....
This morning I went to my Piano Improv class, which normally has 5 people in it, and it just so happened that I was the only one there. Therefore, I got to have the little old German piano-man professor all to myself! :).....This guy is an improv genious! I basically spent the class listening to him create peices on the spot as examples to me of what its like to just
"benutze dein Kopft oder das Wetter.....dann du ein Melodie hast!"--"use your head, or the weather and you'll have a melodie!"--ya easier said then done buddy!
Anyway, I enjoyed myself, and wondered at his amazing abilities. I havn't learnt as much jazz piano as I had possibly hoped for this year, when I found out the program existed....but because I traded in my classical piano lessons (hallelujia!) for singing lessons, I'll have more time to spend with improv stuff.

Anyway, that is all for now! but I will be back soon k!
Miss you guys and can not WAIT to see you in 2 months!!!!!!!!!!