...has been a pretty regular day I must say :)
Therefore, I figured I would take some time to re-cap the gap........in my blog (blog didn't rhyme)
The gap---began end of Jan. and spanned to almost the end of April. What did I do??
Well, beginning Feb, to mid April was semester break! The school system is just completely different here, including semester beginnings and ends. In September I dreamed that during this 2 month break I would somehow find the perfect travel buddy and I would go snowboarding in the Alps for a week, to Spain for a week etc etc.........this did not exactly happen, but! I still had a blast!
Feb--I was in Köln for most of the time.....I did things including going to some friends houses for weekends, getting extremely sick for 3 days straight--->like didn't leave my bed for 3 days kinda sick.....but the best part by far, was when my friends Cara and Angie came to visit me! We met up in PARIS, toure
March till mid April--> This time was definilty a highlight of the entire year! I lived in Amsterdam for 6 weeks, volunteering at a Christian Hostel there. I got to live with 30 other volunteers from all over the world! We worked around 6 hours a day 6 days a week in the hostel (either cooking in the cafe, cleaning the kitchen, talking to guests, basically just being around to give the hostel a fun environment). I really liked the work, but I think my favourite part with the living situation....it was almost like living in residence again. There was always someone around to go for a run with, shopping, talk, play music or whatever, plus, the international environment made for alot of hilarious jokes interms of people mis-interpreting things in the language and funny accents etc.
I really like the Dutch people too, and I think I might want to do a work and travel thing in Holland sometime! The language is right inbetween English and German, so I could actually understand people....somtimes :)......it just sounds kinda....different....lol. People say german sounds aggresive or really "throaty"...but these people have not heard Dutch!
Anyway, gotta go.....
till next time!