Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Three days till Munich!!

Trying to hold to my promise, here I am again, actually writing 2 days in a row!

I've just been practicing guitar....I think the two "practical" things I've learnt this year, that I will really take with me for the rest of my life will be the language and guitar!

I started last semester with this beginner course, bought a guitar from this girl at school and havn't stopped playing since! I love it! If I go a day without playing her, I actually miss it! (unlike die Klavier)

So, in three days I'm going to Munich!! I can't wait! Part of my goal for the next 2 months is to have something planned for every weekend!! This way, during the week school, practicing and volleyball will keep me busy and weekends will fly by due to the events!

My friend Frida (she's another exchange student from Finnland) and I are leaving Thursday night and hopping in a car with someone who's going to drive us to Munich. They have this thing in Germany called "Mitfahrt"--which means "driving with"--basically there's companies that organize carpooling and we're giving it a shot! Thomas is his name--we've talked about it and decided we'll shorten it to Tom Tom.....its about a 6-7 hour drive so we figure we'll be on a nickname basis by the end. :D

Yes, so, the plan is...get to Munich thursday night, there's this "Frühlings Fest" going on...some German celebration of spring.....(personally I feel these people have festivals for EVERYTHING...ex. lets celebrate Oktober, Spring, Karnival, there's one's called "Strong Beer Fest"....havn't heard of one called "Weak Beer Fest"--but I wouldn't put it past them lol....but even though I chirp, I love it!!)....They have so many cool traditions. I will have to let you know what goes on for this one!

...back to the plan....arrival Thursday, then Friday, SAturday and Sunday = walking tours, sight seeing, shopping, Wießwurst eating before noon apparently....(I was told that when in Munich, you HAVE to go eat a große Wießwurst for breakfast....not sure why..but am determined to do it) and celebrating Spring!

So that is all for now. Talk to you soon!


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