Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christmas in Cologne (home)

So last night I was out drinking Glühwein (hot wine) at a Weihnachtsmarkt (Christmas market) with one of my favourite friends and her boyfriend. They asked me about Christmas traditions I had at home that I was missing this year, and about other traditions we have in Canada. I have to say, it doesn’t really feel like its Christmas for me here……I think due to the 5-7 degree weather (with not even a hint of snow), the fact that I have no family or tight friends around me (but my mom is coming next week!!!!) and just the normal hustle and bustle is not going on.
SO, I wanted to share some of the things that come along with a Deutsche Weihnachsten and also the things I miss at home.

Most of the Christmas traditions I’m missing have to do with my family and my church. I will list them off…..

1. Turkey Supper at my Church. This usually happens the first weekend of December, it’s a big meal put on by the youth. I was in it for 4 years and have attended all the years before and after ☺

2. Candle Light Choir. My church Choir that I usually sing in every year, or on years when I can’t make the practices (like last year) I at least go and see it. It is a definite mandatory part of Christmas.

3. PUTTING UP A CHRISTMAS TREE!!! And this event has a whole other set of its own traditions in our house. (mandatory music, mandatory first ornament on the tree, mandatory ceremony for the first ornament on the tree, mandatory second ornament on the tree etc. ☺ and mandatory hot chocolate in hand while all this goes on!)

4. Then there are a couple Christmas parties with friends that usually happen. Ex. The Doug Hunt Christmas party, last year we did 88 Columbia and Marshal St. house combined dinner-way too much fun!

5. General decorating of the house. General massive cleaning of the house (which I am doing this Sunday here), cleaning and airing out of all blankets, sheets and pillows.

6. Trying to remember which cousin’s name it was that I picked out at Thanksgiving, and then trying to think of something to get them :P

7. Christmas Eve Children’s Ceremony…..always super cute!

8. Christmas Eve Dinner with my Oma and Opa, where we eat a lovely meal, and get to open up one present!

7. Also, I told my friends about general traditions we have like Santa Clause parades, Candle Light Strole,……..

…..and much much more. As I’m thinking about all these things, I have a giant smile on my face. Traditions are awesome! Sometimes they’re so silly, (mandatory first ornament on the tree ceremony) but that’s what makes them so fun!

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