Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Perfectly Posh, and loosing Pounds

I got to visit Jules in England last weekend (Thursday till Monday) and oh what a time we had! I feel like I have so much to say it will go on forever, HOWEVER, I will try to combo it into a nice neat 2 little blog entries. 1st half and second half.

This is the 1st half of the blogs, but it describes the second half of the weekend…..try and figure that one out, its just what I felt like writing about first ☺

Sunday, I got to go hiking in “The Peak District”. This district is exactly as it sounds…..full of peaks! I’ve only been in cities while in Germany and Holland so to walk in the beautiful countryside of England was AWESOME! They have public footpaths that go through farmer’s fields, up mountains, through forests and around little towns. We spent four hours getting lost on these paths, it was great! (Mom you totally would have LOVED this exploring adventure, it reminded me of creek walks ☺)

After our feet were soaked and our pants covered in mud, we returned home to shower and get ready for a French meal!

Julia lives with 14 other exchange student girls from all over Europe. 5 Germans, 4 French, 3 Spanish, 1 Poland, 1 Swedish. They’ve taken turns making meals from their countries and I was lucky enough to get in on the French one. So as you can imagine this living situation is very different from my 2 roommates. At dinner I found myself in a room full of 17 GIRLS from 6 different countries speaking who knows how many languages, but the cool part was that we could all communicate just fine. We’re in England so everyone can speak at least decent English. After dinner, we played a round of Uno with everyone and then me and Jules headed up to her room to have a quite night just the way we like it…..watching Gossip Girl and eating chocolate! ☺

Monday morning we met Leah for breakfast (another friend from Grebel studying at the same Uni as Jules) and went shopping and strolling around town. In general I’d say in England some of the differences are:

1. People dress a bit nicer then Germany (yes, now my comparisons are to Germany not Canada cause that’s what I see everyday)
2. England is definitely POSH! Which I like in some ways….for example, everyone is really polite, they say “excuse me”, their houses, stores and cities have the Victorian architecture feel, it’s a little bit like going back in time.
3. If you’ve ever seen an English soap opera such as “Coronation Street” (which I’ve had the pleasure of seeing many times due to my mom’s previous love for this show) that is a perfect example! Even their soap operas are a bit different.
4. The hills! I had no idea England was covered in hills!...that would be the part in my title about loosing pounds. Everywhere you walk its up and down and up and down… their currency is called pounds (I was trying to make some sort of a pun??.....oh boy)

When I first arrived I realized it felt really weird for me to be able to understand peoples conversations, and all the signs and announcements in the airport and train stations!! I’ve gotten so used to my half understanding, I forgot what’s its like!! That being said, by the end of 4 days really really missed thinking and trying my German! I was real ready to practice again!
So, I had to say goodbye to my friend Julia until we meet again in the home country in the summer. ☹ It was really sad, but I’m happy she gets to go home and see her fam and bf! She was an awesome host and I’ll definitely miss our traveling adventures!!!

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