Monday, January 19, 2009

Poor Blog

My poor, poor little Blog....
It's so lonely and forgotten.

I'm sorry to my 6 bog readers....I'm sure by now the number has dwindled down to 2 lol
I've just had kein Lust (no want) for posting. Everyday there's a million things that I think about that I think "Oh man! I wish I was still writing my blog cause that would be totally fun to talk about!".....but then I just never do.....I don't know why.

On the upside, I guess I've discovered I could never be a newspaper writer, where you have to write everyday (Sorry Aunt Ruth, I can't try and follow your legacy.....may be Jake or Ava will be up for the challenge :)

Things I would write about and hope to one day are.......
1. My German class.....very funny sometimes. I picture us in a movie, something sorta like The Breakfast Club......what do you get when you have 2 French, 1 Spanien, 1 Belgium, 3 Japanese, 3 Chinese, 2 Israelis, an aweful German prof.....oh and 1 Canadian! guessed it, my German class lol

2. My choir weekend that was from Jan 4-6.......had a blast!! I can't say enough about the people, the castle we stayed in and the music we make!

3. My choir concert! It was an amazing performance and we were joined by a Finnish accapella group that did the second half of the concert......they won the all European accapella competition the last 2 years......let me just say, UNBELIEVABLE! (Rojaton-look them up on youtube)

4. The fact that my roomates leave their food to get moldy and dishes everywhere in the kitchen, poor Cara has heard me vent.

5. How much I love playing volleyball here and its so great that I can play 3 times a week!!

6. My latest little friend from Guatemala! I met him at volleyball, he's about 5 foot 5 and is a phenomenal player! We get along real great and hopefully he will be a travel buddy for me.

7. The fact that I have good days and bad days here, days where I'm real homesick and days that I really enjoy what I'm doing and learning.

8. The fact that I miss all of you like crazy and know I will be ever so happy to reunite one day!

9. ....ok I must go practice the piano.

I love you! and keep checkin in here! I'm gunna try and be a better blogger again! a late new years resolution I guess you could say.


1 comment:

  1. i still check this blog every once and a while- so keep em coming. I love you Katrina!
