Tuesday, November 18, 2008


That’s it, I am officially HOMESICK in a big way! In two days I will have been here for 2 months! I love everything but I miss so much the people that I love!

I’ve got “Miss Independent” and “Miss grown up” down pat! I pay my own bills and banking, cook (or not cook) my own food, make my own friends, find my own doctors, physiotherapists and prescriptions, figure out my own school, plan my own trips, find places and read maps on my own, do my own wash, cleaning, grocery shopping, light fixing and now I do it all (or attempt it all) in GERMAN! I’ve had enough of her, “Miss Independent.” I want to be someone who’s taken care of, I want to be asomeone who’s got people that love her that she can actually see and touch, I want my parents and my family, my cousins and my friends, period! I miss being hugged by people that I know if I were sick, they’d want to take care of me, and I miss being with people that would be excited if I came through the door.

Wow, that is a load from my heart. Now, that being said, I refuse to say I want to go home. If I had to miss out on this awesome adventure or leave now, my level of sadness would be equivalent to what I am feeling now. SO, after post this and have a little pitty party, my chin will be up and I’ll go get my laundry from the laundry mat with a big smile on my face, but please, please pray for me, and know that I love and miss you more then you know!!


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