Sunday, November 2, 2008

EURO PARTAY!!.....the real deal

I am proud to say I have officially hosted a real Euro Party! Me and my roommates had about 40 people in our flat throughout the night in celebration of mine and my roommate Magda’s birthdays. It was a great time! Now what makes a real Euro party you might ask? Allow me to list some essential ingredients:

1. People from at least 5-8 different countries…from what I know, there were people from Canada! (woohoo that’s me ☺), Germany, France, Latvia, Russia, Usa, Australia, England, Japan, Israel, and somewhere close to Turkey.
2. About 4 different languages circulating the room at all times.
3. Lots of people smoking…mostly in the hallway, but our flat still stinks.
4. Making soup as part of the appetizers and desserts that you’re serving. (I thought this was kinda different. At previous parties in Canada, we’ve had chips, pretzels, cupcakes etc. as party snacks……here they add homemade soup and bread to the list)
5. LOTS of wine! Everybody shows up with one or two bottles.
6. Russian music! I wanted to play our typical poplar music, but it got voted down in favour of Russian music……..I like it, BUT I think in this atmosphere I would rather hear Gwen Stefani singing “lets get this party started” ;)
7. A late curfew. I believe most people were gone by 4am which equaled a late night/early morning ☺

Combine these 7 ingredients and it equals one great night!! I feel fully Europeanized! I can’t wait to host another one.

This was also a very “music kids” party. There were exactly 3 non-music students in attendance and I think they definitely felt like the minority….that is because when you meet people in the “musical studying world” the conversation ALWAYS begins with:

“hi! What’s your name?....and what do you play?”

….this can sometimes be followed by “ok…..and who is your teacher?”

I don’t know why, but for some reason, the instrument you play defines a little part of who you are. For example, if you are a violinist, it means you’re kinda high-class. Violin is very popular at my school and very competitive. You can bet these people practice A LOT! If you’re a piano player its kinda a medium position, cause everyone plays at least a little bit of piano.. Lots of pianist want to become teachers, which means they don’t practice quite as much cause performance isn’t their final goal. I could go on and on with an explanation for every instrument but I think that would be boring. What you need to know is that it’s a different breed of people, oh! An if you would have been here, towards the end of the night you would have been watching music comedians on YouTube ☺…..not joking.

All in all it was rockin though! It took 3 people a solid hour and a half to clean one tiny kitchen the next day so you can imagine what the place looked like. I loved hosting, the turnout was great and I think everyone had an excellent time. Come visit and we’ll do it again!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, sounds like a great way to start celebrating the big 21!! Happy Birthday to you from all of us! We'll be sending you good wishes tomorrow from Seattle.
