Saturday, November 8, 2008

A little bit here and a little bit there.

I miss being able to buy things in bulk…
Today I spent 1 Euro on 12 Bobbypins!!....12 BOBBYPINS! I probably loose that many in 1 week!! At home you spend 1 Canadian dollar on 50 Bobbypins!

Also, the other day I saw a lady at the grocery store buy three eggs. … I laughed.

You can’t buy packs of 6, 8 or 12 yogurts, everything comes in packages of 1. I miss my giant jar of bean salad (88 C. you know what I mean ;)…..I buy a jar of salsa every week cause they are so small……believe it or not, I don’t even bother with hot sauce cause you can only get tiny bottles and I would finish it in one sitting ☺

People don’t cook with the mind set of getting a couple meals out of their cooking either. My roommates NEVER put food in containers and then into the fridge for another meal. If its not eaten in the first sitting, it usually hangs out somewhere on the counter until its gone bad and then is thrown out. I just want to say to them….”hey! ya know if you wrap that sucker up, you could have it for lunch tomorrow….really! no word of a lie!” Buuuut I kinda figure its their business, and it would be a weird convo, so I let it slide ☺

Yes, so next time you’re at Price club, or Wholesales, love the privilege of buying bulk!

Ps-sorry I havn’t been writing as much and I know this blog is real lame….they will get better soon. Promise!

1 comment:

  1. hahaha oh you and your bean salad and hot sauce!
