Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Mein Leben (My Life)---UPDATE!

A day in the life

So, I am officially 9 weeks in. I thought I would give a general update ☺

#1. I’m over the homesickness!!! I mean, I still think of you guys EVERYDAY! But I’m no long super sad about it, which is great! I hate being sad!

#2. My foot is FINALLY almost all better. I no longer feel and ache when I walk! After over a month of slight cripple status, I am ecstatic!!!

#3. School is good. I really like my piano teacher now, although she’s kinda too nice. I always do better when I’m scared of my piano teachers, and this woman wouldn’t hurt a fly haha but she’s getting me to thing about music from a new perspective and helping me “look at and feeeeeeellll the phrases…..” lol

#4. I had a great weekend last weekend! It was exactly what I needed! Pretty low key. Friday night I went to a Weihnachtsessen! Which is a Christmas dinner that my friends boyfriend cooked for us! He made a four course meal for four girls (Vera, his girlfriend, me and two others). It was DELICIOUS! Probably the best food I’ve tasted in Köln (not in Germany because I’ve eaten with my relatives and my Tautes could take down even the most famous cheff! ☺) So, he made Menu’s for all of us that we could take home, wrote us each a little letter, and decorated the apartment Christmas style! It was a real treat! I got to spend the night eating, drinking wine and listening and participating in German chatter!

Saturday, I hung out with my exchange pals Ingrid and Freda. We’ve been planning a girls night FOREVER where we dress up in dresses, go out for dinner and then finally go dancing! (none of us have been dancing in Köln yet!) So we made it to the dress up part, made it out for dinner and then…….Ingrid rolled her ankle! So quite easily actually, we opted for chocolate and a movie at Ingrid’s….which turned into a sleepover! It turned out to be a perfect night! Aaannnnnd we decided we’d dress up in the exact same clothes and do the dancing thing another time ☺

This week I’ve had massive Choir rehearsals- WHICH I LOVE! Upon telling Cara this, she gave me the big “I don’t believe you just said that” eyes. Haha Generally I’m not a fan of Laurier choir, but this choir I could sing in ALL day! We do songs like “Ain’t no Mountain High Enough” and other rockin pieces, the musicians are so talented, and everyone claps and dances and gets right into the music! Maybe I will try and get someone to post us on YouTube?!?!

#5. Weihnachtsmarkte sind offen!!! The Christmas markets are open!! For those of you who don’t know, in Germany Christmas markets are a huge deal! They are on every Platze and in every Markt that exist almost! I stumbled across one the other day and I want to go EVERYDAY! Haha So, let me describe……picture a bunch of (if we had one of these, it would be trailers, or concession stands) but their concession stands are pretty, they’re wooden, and they look like a bunch of mini houses decorated with lights, tinsel,bows, you name it! From the stands, you can buy ALL KINDS of amazing Christmas goodies, from pastries, to beaver tails to GIANT pretzels, to candied nuts, sausage, Fruchtbrot! (one of my fave’s…fruitbread) etc. the drink of the season ( and yes, Germans basically have a different drink for every season, celebrations etc.) is Gleuhwein. This is a sweet wine that they warm up! So its like drinking hot chocolate except its wine?! Hahaha

As well as food, the vendors sell all kinds of cool crafts that make excellent Christmas presents. When I found this place by myself the other day, I was just about beside myself! I saw so many things that I loved and wanted to get.

I asked one of the vendors “Sind Sie heir bis Weihnachsten?!” (are you here until Christmas!?)….

He replied “Ja”

I said “ Jeden Tag?!” (everyday?!?!)

He said “Ja”….with a bit of a funny look….

I said with a sparkling eyes, like a kid in a candy shop, “ Ich komme züruck, ich komme züruck!!!!” (I’m coming back, I’m coming back!!)

He said “ok, ich bin heir” (ok I’m here)…..with a bit of ---get a load of this weirdo, look


Oh, Deutschland, Ich liebe dich!!


  1. KAtrina!! This was such a lovely post! I enjoyed reading it immensely- and looove to hear that you're doing well!
    Love love,

  2. I still can't believe that you love choir!!! It is shocking:) You will definitely have to post some videos on Youtube or something!
