Thursday, October 30, 2008

Guitar Not So Hero.....

I thought I would share a little story.

So, I am the proud owner of a guitar! Its an acoustic Yamaha (I hope that’s decent), its for my guitar class. We have to practice every week and this girl in my class was selling it for bellig (cheap) so I figured I’d snatch it up! What I didn’t realize is that it doesn’t come with a case, and its really good to have one of those, especially if you have to carry it to and from school in the cold weather. Anyway, I haven’t gotten around to going out and purchasing a case, so this weeks guitar class came and I thought……”well, I can either:

a) carry it without a case (which I did last week and I got a couple comments like, ‘you need a case’ or ‘you’re going to wreck that guitar’ etc) oooorrrrr I could

b) try and make it look like I’m doing the best I can to take care of this instrument until I can purchase a handy little cover for my baby.”

I chose “b)” and proceeded to put the only “case like” item I had over my guitar…..that being my bright green pillowcase ☺ I really had only 2 options, bright green or rainbow stripes and I figured bright green was the better way to go.

So off I went to the professionals music school carrying my guitar half covered in a green pillowcase. Now I was not only trying to hide my limp, but this eyesore as well.

My friend Huw saw me as I walked up to the school and he just stared and laughed at me, I posed as a source of cheap entertainment. In school I got some questioning stares, but I just pretended like it was completely normal Canadian thing to do :P…..ya know, the pillow case, case…….everybody’s doing it! I may just never buy a case now. I think the second and third times carrying it around will be less embarrassing ☺

I have also met a friend at volleyball who has Guitar HERO! Even though I haven’t played it a lot, it reminds me of home and I can’t wait to play it with her! She is a great non-music friend, who also leant me some German books she has from grade 3 for me to read. I can’t wait! I’ll actually be able to understand exactly what’s going on!

So that is all for now…I have to go do some homework booo! Tchau!

1 comment:

  1. Homework!! Since when do you have homework! Have a happy bday party!!
