Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Classical German Singing Concert

So, I have officially sung in my first classical Vorspiel (Master Class).....a classical German piece called "Jasminenstrauch" by Robert Schumann.

Now, my general feelings toward classical singing thus far in my life, would be one's of somewhat distaste.....mostly because:

#1. It hurts my ears.
#2. The concerts can be really stuffy and the singing too exaggerated-ly emotional for my liking...

.....well guess what.....I am now that girl. Ja, I have now experienced being in front of people, giving the emotional "sad eyes", stretching my mouth open to in unbelievable proportions.....and spitting out German "g", "rrrrr" and "sch" syllables...........Lets just talk about stepping outside the box.

Its interesting though, to do this kinda thing.....you learn something from every situation. (perhaps the "presenting infront of a crowd" skills will be useful in job interviews or something? lol) I'm glad everyone in the room had to do it too....and its actually looks way worse if you don't do the acting part!!

My teacher is still crazy, but I've come to realize that she acts this way with everyone, and I don't have to deal with it forever....besides, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger??...I am seriosly testing that theory.

bis bald!

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