Friday, May 15, 2009

Germanada :)

So, there has been another MIA pause here.....but please do not give up faith in me so fast!

The break was due to a fantastic visit from my friend Stephanie! She's a good family friend from home! I've grown up with her since I was about 12 maybe?....Anyway, her family is German and she comes here about once a year to visit her Oma....I was lucky enough to have her visit me from Tuesday night until this morning.

...and what a wonderful time we had! Now, this girl can talk! and put the two of us together after not seeing each other for 8 months and lets just say we were on SUPER speed!! I called my parents today and they had to tell me to SLOW my speech down because I was almost non-understandable! haha

It was really great to talk with her, because she's also done exchanges to Germany (never more then 2 months, but the concept is the same).....and we could talk alot about what kinds of things we discovered about ourselves, culture and the world from living here. It was also different to host her because Germany is a culture and a place that she's very familiar with, instead of it all being a little foreign. We played the role of two German girls quite well I think! :)

Anyway, I can't wait to re-unite with her in 5 WEEKS back at home! We've already planned a "Germany in Canada" evening where we sip wine, and talk about what we miss about this country!

Miss you!

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