Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Singer DRAMA!!!

OK, this just in.......DO NOT accidentally get your arrogant German singer teacher mad!

As a little background FYI, lets just say, the beginning of this semester has been the opposite of smooth! The international office forgot me, therefore I wasn't registered in the school...therefore, therefore,....I didn't have any kind of instrumental lessons (being a music student, these are somewhat essential )

Step 2, I got registered and was excitingly told that I could take piano AND singing lessons! Horray!

Step 3, I contacted, arranged, and had first piano lesson with my teacher and contacted, arranged, and had first talk/set up class with my singing teacher.

Step 4, ....was told that apparently now exchange students can only have lessons in one subject and that piano teacher was full, therefore I couldn't have piano lessons so I had to take singing................oooookkkk.

Step 5, was told that I could no longer take singing lessons with my first singing teacher.

Step 6, ...Now had to get in contact with a new lady and set up lessons with her.

Step 7, ...Contacted second singing teacher who had no idea that I was studying with her, and wondered basically what I was talking about.

Steps 1 through 7 came out to equal a VERY aggravated me. So, after talking with my mom, it was executively decided that I needed to stick up for myself and stop getting thrown around. So I mustered up all my courage and sent an email to the Prof. in charge of me, telling her how it was, that I was real frustrated and I wanted her to get to the bottom of this.

Well, the next day my singing teacher emailed me...said come by and sing for me and we'll arrange lessons. "Excellent!" I thought...wow, I have to do this speaking up thing more often....

So that brings us to today...where I went for my first lessons with Frau Kelling. An extremely skinny lady with pencil thin eyebrows and a real singers attitude (which means you think you are the best in the world)......who now reminds me of Cruella De Vil!

The lesson began with her telling me a couple ....lets say "unpleasant" facts....(and these were all in German so they sound even more intimidating!)

#1. Did I know that I had the President of the University calling her at 10 pm on a Thursday night becasue of the email I had sent?? (believe me, my intetion by telling one Prof. I was frusterated was not to get the president involved!)

#2. Did I know what an amazing and well known teacher she is? and who do I think I am?...followed by her saying that she thought I must be an absolutly brilliant singer in order for me to create such a stir...followed by me saying I've never taken singing lessons IN MY LIFE!

Yes, well, after I had apologized a few thousand times and told her the real story, she decided it was actually time to sing and let me know AGAIN that she thought I must be like some famous singer named "Colours" (that I've never heard of)........

So, I sang "la, la, la" about 4 times and she said I actually had a really lovely voice and now we're meeting twice a week for lessons cause I only have............6 WEEKS LEFT!!!!!!

And that my friends was I feel just the beginning or the drama that revolves in the "Singers" world. I'm hopin' I can make it through!!


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