Tuesday, May 5, 2009


SO, I have to write about my time in Munich because it has a whole bunch of great stories that come along with it.....but I am going to save that for a day where I have nothing to say....that day is not today :)

Today, I just said bye to 3 friends that came to visit me from Amsterdam!!
Yesterday I got an email saying "Hey Katrina! 2 of us want to come visit you TONIGHT! is that alright?" (these are people that I worked/lived with when I was volunteering at the hostel).... at first I thought "well I havn't even been home for 24 hours...I have school, blah, blah, blah....but I'm really working on not letting opportunities pass through my fingers AND keeping a busy schedual so I talked some sense into my head and said
"Please come! I'd love to see you!....Let me know when your train comes in and I'll pick you up at the station!"

Reply--"Oh, actually we're going to HITCHHIKE!....so hopefully we get there sometime around 8ish?"

Well, to make a long story short,......7 random rides, 6 hours and a couple funny stories later, I picked up my friends Coen (Dutch), Carmi (New Zealander) and Heather (Candian) infront of the Dom (big cathedral) where they were sitting on the ground eating bread and chocolate spread they had brought with them from home. hahhaha It was so great to see them again!

We went back to my place, hung out, I got caught up on everthing that I've missed in the last month etc. It was really cool to have them here, and I think it was interesting for them to see me in a different setting, outside of our usual house.....when you live together with a bunch of people, its easy to forget that they have lives that go on in other parts of the world.

Anyway, this morning I went to class, came back and we made a big breakfast before they headed off to see a bit of Köln and then hitchhike their way back to Amsterdam.....I hope they're doing alright right now!

I don't know about this hitchhiking thing.....obvioulsy its great cause it costs nothing...but you can't really have a "time of arrival" cause you really never know! Don't worry Parentals.....I don't think this one's gunna try it ;)

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