Saturday, May 30, 2009




Now, why did I call this entry greetings? Because I've really learnt something about greeting people here. They do it right! People exchange hugs and handshakes WAY more often! and I love it! Even if you just met someone that evening, and you talked a little the end when you're going home, you hug! Why not!?

and here are the greeting guidlines
man greets man-->handshake...or if you're good friends, sometimes a quick hug
woman greets woman--> hug
man greets woman--> hug

men and women don't really shake hands

ALSO, when writing emails or SMS (texts) you ALWAYS end of by saying "liebe Grüße"...which shouldn't be directly translated because it means "love greetings" but basically means best wishes. NEVER leave that out at the just doesn't happen.

Anyway, I'm going to bring this "greeting" thing back with me, so be prepared!

Liebe Grüße,
(which when talking with friends can get shortened to plain "LG")


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