Friday, May 15, 2009


Even though this Deutsche Land will never feel like "home" to me, it is defiantly a culture I have grown very comfortable with and understand.....all the elements that when you first arrive, or when you only stay for a short time, you process as:

"oh, that's not like home!"
"why do they do that that way!?"
"That's really different/not "normal" should be more like my country!" ect. ect. ect.!!

…they’ve become normal now and I’m sure there’s lots of things that I don’t even realize are “different” now.

I feel like the experience of living in another culture for a more extended amount of time really opens your eyes up to the possibilities of the world in a very different way. Its just so so easy to think that everywhere is like Canada or foreign places are just that…..foreign, and not actually real. The neat thing about Europe and that you have so many different cultures so close to each other too! Ya, people are people,….true…..but the way we operate and traditions can be SO different even though the countries neighbor each other!

I think the next place I would love to live is Holland though! ☺….perhaps a little work/travel experience? Just from living there for 6 weeks, I love the people, the culture, the language is crazy, but it’s a mix of German and English so I feel if I was going to be able to learn another one, that would be the one!

Who knows!
Till next time!

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