Saturday, May 30, 2009




Now, why did I call this entry greetings? Because I've really learnt something about greeting people here. They do it right! People exchange hugs and handshakes WAY more often! and I love it! Even if you just met someone that evening, and you talked a little the end when you're going home, you hug! Why not!?

and here are the greeting guidlines
man greets man-->handshake...or if you're good friends, sometimes a quick hug
woman greets woman--> hug
man greets woman--> hug

men and women don't really shake hands

ALSO, when writing emails or SMS (texts) you ALWAYS end of by saying "liebe Grüße"...which shouldn't be directly translated because it means "love greetings" but basically means best wishes. NEVER leave that out at the just doesn't happen.

Anyway, I'm going to bring this "greeting" thing back with me, so be prepared!

Liebe Grüße,
(which when talking with friends can get shortened to plain "LG")


Evening in the Park last night I went to a Geburstag Partie (bday party) in the park. Another slightly familiar, yet different experience for me.

At around 10:30, my friend Johanna, her boyfriend Tommy and I headed to meet people at a park to celebrate. As we were walking I tried to think about if we do this at didn't feel totally out of place, but it didn't feel super normal either. We're walking through this park at night, and there's about 5 different circles of people around our age, and now its time to guess as to which circle is our group of friends lol.....

So we walked by, squinting our eyes, hoping to see a familiar face through the darkness. Of course it was the last circle where we finally hit the jackpot! This is how they do it here. It was a pot-luck-style kinda dinner, and everyone brings some beer, and then you sit in cirlces and talk with each other. I tried to think about how we do it at home and this is what I discovered.

At home we have so much more land. We would of had a backyard BBQ or something instead of meeting at the park. I thought it was a really great idea though! you could see the stars, and everyone stayed outside instead of moving into the house etc.

Anyway.....that is all!


Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Question: How is it that when you finally establish yourself somewhere, learn the language, actually have friends, don't have trouble finding plans and feel comfortable in your comes time to say goodbye.....

I had a great evening tonight! Went out with about 20 people from my school for my friend Julia's birthday. There was nothing especially special about it, except that I felt pretty well comfortable with the situation. (One thing I've really missed here is being able to share what I learn/experience with someone here....its so hard to actually say what actually goes on a couple days later on the phone.)

and I know you're probably thinking...what's so great about feeling comfortable.....but its a big deal!! As we were leaving the school after choir, it's a bunch of people that I know in varying degrees....some I've had good convo's with, some I just say hi to.....but they all come from the same country, speak the same language and have studied together for a couple years already....and then there's me :).....

so in these situations, I always try and pick out one person that I feel comfortable talking with, and that if I ask them how they are, they'll take the time to talk with me. Tonight it was Ingo :)....and I often find, once I have one person that I'm engaged in a good conversation with, people see me as more approachable or even want to join OUR conversation! and I'm in!

See the thing is, is that at the beginning, I was interesting, and people wanted to talk to me because I was from across the world.....but I could barely talk with them without there being misunderstandings or things that needed to be erklart (cleared up).....Now, I'm that foreign kid that's been around forever, and if we havn't talked already, then why would we start now ya know? (try and picture an exchange student in your class) When now, I could ACTUALLY have a conversation that FLOWED!

So tonight was a good night. Why? because I was with a bunch of great people....I pushed myself out there once again, and opened up conversations with people that I havn't really talked to that much, and other people were open to talking with me....

I really love these people and place, and am starting to feel really torn between the two.


Monday, May 25, 2009

The best about here

Things I will miss about here...

1. Riding the trains and subways...its become so habitual for me and I keep forgetting that before I came here, I had barely ever been on one.

2. Of course the language switching....I love talking in 2 languages! Its just really cool to explain yourself in another Sprache (language)....even with my friends here that speak english, its always a mix of the two. If we're talking English and a word comes to mind erste (first) in German then we through it in, genau wie so. (just like that lol)

3. Cobblestone sidewalks, beirgartens (patios), the Rhine River that's so close to my house, travelling on weekends!!!!

4. My choir!! I love them and I love the music that we sing!

5. The openmindedness of the culture here.

6. Beinging in a really international environment as well. ex. Last friday night I went out for dinner with a bunch of exchange students.....a girl from Argentina, 2 girls from Spain, a guy from Italy, my friend Frida from Finnland and me from Canada.....and I've had the oporrtunity to be in lots of similar situations. Its funny cause now we all speak German, but with TOTALLY different accents!

7. My good friends who I hope I see again in my lifetime!! The fact that I live so close to Niagara Falls and Toronto is real appealing so I hope they come visit!

That's all for now!
Miss my home too!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Classical German Singing Concert

So, I have officially sung in my first classical Vorspiel (Master Class).....a classical German piece called "Jasminenstrauch" by Robert Schumann.

Now, my general feelings toward classical singing thus far in my life, would be one's of somewhat distaste.....mostly because:

#1. It hurts my ears.
#2. The concerts can be really stuffy and the singing too exaggerated-ly emotional for my liking...

.....well guess what.....I am now that girl. Ja, I have now experienced being in front of people, giving the emotional "sad eyes", stretching my mouth open to in unbelievable proportions.....and spitting out German "g", "rrrrr" and "sch" syllables...........Lets just talk about stepping outside the box.

Its interesting though, to do this kinda learn something from every situation. (perhaps the "presenting infront of a crowd" skills will be useful in job interviews or something? lol) I'm glad everyone in the room had to do it too....and its actually looks way worse if you don't do the acting part!!

My teacher is still crazy, but I've come to realize that she acts this way with everyone, and I don't have to deal with it forever....besides, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger??...I am seriosly testing that theory.

bis bald!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Its the small things....

I just woke up and was getting my laundry together, and started thinking about the un-comparable brilliancy that is "homelaundrysystems"--a Denglish word for you all (Deutsch and English)-->the creating of new words by joining a bunch of previous words together :)

......This lead me to thinking about things I am now allowing myself to get a bit excited about when I am back in the Mother Land, and they are:

1. Home laundry!! that doesn't cost 3EURO (around 4 Canadian dollars) PER LOAD!...I'm pretty sure I will be bringing all my laundry home unclean (will you still be glad to see me mom?? :)

2. Home cooking! I am not a cooker by myself...with other people I don't mind,....but alone NEVER! For example, I get excited when I boil an egg for myself.....yes.

3. Driving. I have not driven a car for 8 Months! and all though driving isn't a favourite thing of mine, it is a bit missed.

4. Country. I miss the COUNTRY! Its cool to experience living in a city...and I do that in Waterloo at home too....but Waterloo is not even close to as big as Köln, I would call it more "townish"...this city is just under 1 million,.....and anyone who's been here or talked to me on skype knows that the street below me is extremely LOUD! The country is just somehow refreshing and peaceful!

5. Working! I am a job lover! and I havn't worked since September and I miss it! and so does my bank account.

ok, that is all for now.....I think I'll make a list of things I love about here too sometime....



Sunday, May 17, 2009


ya like it?...just thought it needed to be spiced up a bit :)

Anway, so yesterday (Saturday) my friend Vera came over (she's a German girl who is coming on exchange to Canada next year!) and we started planning a bit what we're going to do when she comes to visit me before she starts school.

She's going to school in New Brunswick, but making a stop in by me first. She really wants to go camping (its what everyone talks about as being so awesome in "America"...everyone here wants to see wild bears, moose and deer.....I think its hilarious. So yes, we are hoping to go camping, as well as shopping at the Eaton Centre! (a indoor mall with 7 floors is QUITE the spectacle here) sight seeing in Toronto, see Niagara falls etc....eine wirklich full Woche!

Not quite sure what I will do if I have to work still lol...but everything will work out.

Later we went to a combined Geburstag Partie for 2 friends of ours from school. We found the party location in a building on the property of an Evangelical church. This is how it was explained to me .....churches have buildings on their properites called "Gemeindhall" or community centre, a building used for wedding receptions, special family get togethers (this all sounded fine and familiar...kinda like our church gyms) oh.....and its used for parties, with disco lights, surround sound speakers and a bar! That part felt weird to me. But, I had a good time and met a couple more people that I've seen around at school!

Hey! 5 weeks from yesterday till I'm back at home! can't wait! but also looking forward to the weeks left here!

Breakin' it down:

The next 2 weeks = in school, with possible trip back to my relatives next weekend

Week 3 = ITALY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yes Italy! I'm going to Italy for a week with my school during the first week of June becuase its a holiday week. A group of about 25 students are going, and we're going to have classes in Groove Piano, Ensembles, and Duos! yay!

Week 4, 5 = back at school, getting things wrapped up and packed up!

till next time!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Deutsche, mein Zweitsprache!

Heute, ich dachte ich werde auf Deutsche schreiben weil, ich war schon in Deutschland fast 8 Monate und ich glaube jetzt sollte ich etwas auf Deutsch schreiben nah?!......So es tut mir leid wenn ihr könnt nicht Deutsch verstehen aber diese ist mehr eine Üben für mich :)

Ich immer finde, wenn ich denke mein Deutsch kommt viel besser, danach bin ich in einer Situation wo ich verstehe fast gar nichts. Daß ist blöd. Ich dachte ich werde viel mehr in die Sprache lernen, aber ich habe kein Refarat zu geschrieben und meisten die Leute möchten Englisch mit mir reden. So es geht.

Weiter.......(freuer ich hatte ein Abbruch)

So, die Deutsch immer sagt..."Deutsche Sprache, schwierige Sprache" und English ist ziemlich einfach.....dass ist stimmt! Die Grammatic, mit Verben, Adjektive Endungen und so weiter, ist mehr kompliziert weil sie haben die Femanien, Masculien und Neutrum...........Egal! Ich versuche noch zu etwas lernen und bin fröh mit was ich zürucknehmen!

Ich finde dass ich Einzelkonversationen am besten mag, weil dann kann ich mehr sagen und der Satz formulieren. Wenn Leute in einer Gruppe reden, manchmal geht es zu schnell lol

Ich glaube wann ich zu Hause sein, ich werde die Sprache wechseln wirklich vermissen :( Aber ich möchte mit alle die älteren Leute in die Kirche noch sprechen! Wiellicht mit Kaffe und Kuchen?! ;)

So, Leute....laßt ihr mich nur noch sagen, dass ich euch alle vermissen! und wir sehen uns bald!!
Liebe Grüße,


Even though this Deutsche Land will never feel like "home" to me, it is defiantly a culture I have grown very comfortable with and understand.....all the elements that when you first arrive, or when you only stay for a short time, you process as:

"oh, that's not like home!"
"why do they do that that way!?"
"That's really different/not "normal" should be more like my country!" ect. ect. ect.!!

…they’ve become normal now and I’m sure there’s lots of things that I don’t even realize are “different” now.

I feel like the experience of living in another culture for a more extended amount of time really opens your eyes up to the possibilities of the world in a very different way. Its just so so easy to think that everywhere is like Canada or foreign places are just that…..foreign, and not actually real. The neat thing about Europe and that you have so many different cultures so close to each other too! Ya, people are people,….true…..but the way we operate and traditions can be SO different even though the countries neighbor each other!

I think the next place I would love to live is Holland though! ☺….perhaps a little work/travel experience? Just from living there for 6 weeks, I love the people, the culture, the language is crazy, but it’s a mix of German and English so I feel if I was going to be able to learn another one, that would be the one!

Who knows!
Till next time!

Germanada :)

So, there has been another MIA pause here.....but please do not give up faith in me so fast!

The break was due to a fantastic visit from my friend Stephanie! She's a good family friend from home! I've grown up with her since I was about 12 maybe?....Anyway, her family is German and she comes here about once a year to visit her Oma....I was lucky enough to have her visit me from Tuesday night until this morning.

...and what a wonderful time we had! Now, this girl can talk! and put the two of us together after not seeing each other for 8 months and lets just say we were on SUPER speed!! I called my parents today and they had to tell me to SLOW my speech down because I was almost non-understandable! haha

It was really great to talk with her, because she's also done exchanges to Germany (never more then 2 months, but the concept is the same).....and we could talk alot about what kinds of things we discovered about ourselves, culture and the world from living here. It was also different to host her because Germany is a culture and a place that she's very familiar with, instead of it all being a little foreign. We played the role of two German girls quite well I think! :)

Anyway, I can't wait to re-unite with her in 5 WEEKS back at home! We've already planned a "Germany in Canada" evening where we sip wine, and talk about what we miss about this country!

Miss you!

Monday, May 11, 2009

The sunny side!


So the weather this last weekend was fantastic! I had a friend (her name's Larissa and she's from the States) that I worked with in Amsterdam come visit me for the weekend and we had a wonderful time (this is summerizing the weekend) climbing the Dom towers (533 steps going up....and what a view!), walking along the river, shopping, sun tanning, running, I cut her hair, talking, etc!...and it was around 22 degrees both days! A wonderful weekend with a girlfriend, doin' girlfriend kinda things!

...aaannndd tomorrow night, my friend Stephanie (she's a friend from home who is doing a 1 month practicum in Germany) is coming to stay with me till Friday! seems when it rains it pours! But I like it this pace! and I'm excited to see her!

I've learnt ALOT about hosting people and being hosted this year! I've been a guest at many houses and also housed more people then I ever have in my life so far. Its funny how its different everytime....depending on peoples interests, what they want to see in the city, weather can make a big difference etc.

I really like being in Europe in the spring and I bet the summer is awesome too! The people are just more freindly, there's way more stuff to do, when it rains its not as miserable, and everything looks so much more beutiful!

Till next time!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

M to the UNICH!!....Part 1

So, let me tell you about one of the highlight trips of this year! Munich!

So last Thursday, me and my friend Frida (who is another exchange student from Finnland) got in a car with a Bavarian boy named Thomas (who later not only became our carpool driver, but also our Munich social convener and we changed his name to "Tommy" :)......and drove with him 5 and a half hours across Germany on the Autobahn (the German highway...LOVE IT!.....people drive super fast always!)

After talking with Tommy for about 10 minutes in the car, he had already invited us to go with him to his friends house for breakfast the next day, then go to a Frühlingsfest (Spring Festival) party in another town, then to some other place and then we could sleep at his parents house for the night!! hahahaha Me and Frida looked at each other and mutually decided we would love to join in the breakfast, Frühlingsfest and town party...bbbuuuuut perhaps we'd skip the sleepover with his parents :)......we did however somehow get to meet them.....

So the next day we took a train to a town in the middle of nowhere, were picked up by T., found out he had forgotten something at home so we just had to "pop" back in......went to his house, were invited out of the car and somehow ended up sitting on the patio, talking with his parents while they had breakfast and Tommy was collecting his things somewhere in the house! Me and Frida could not make eye contact during this convo, cause we would have burst out laughing at the wonderment of how we got into this situation!

Anyway, we left shortly after and were on our way to Max's house (one of Tommy's Bavarian friends) for breakfast. This was really cool! There were about 10 of us and everyone was in Lederhosen and Dirndles for the festival! We really had no idea what to expect, so when we were ushered into the house to find a giant long table all set up with warm pretzels, weißwurst (a special kind of sausage) and beer.....we were presently suprised and definilty had a great time! Tommy's friends were all great! Some of the nicest and open Germans we've met!

After breakfast, we headed to the town festival! This was EXACTLY like all the German Oktoberfest stereotypes! Picture a big tent and a Biergarten outside.....everyone in Lederhosen and Dirndles, sausage, sourkrout, massive preztles (like 2 times the size of my head) massive beers ( 1L in every mug)....a polka band etc. What a blast!

We didn't stay too long though cause it was our first day and we wanted to make sure we saw the city of Munich too! lol

....and what a beautiful city! It was very different from anywhere else I've been in Germany so far. Its only about 50 years old, but all the architecture was built in the style of pre-war times. I think I will get into that history in the next blog. Anyway, first day in Munich equalled fabulous!


Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Today was a day I really just wished I was home.....

Its so weird to think of how much time has gone by.....I just can't believe how many things have changed and that I've missed. Some of my best friends have had new boyfriends for a while already and I havn't even met them!....It makes me sad cause I want to know these guys that they are sharing massive chunks of their lives with!....Other friends and cousins are graduating highschool and University this year! or accomplished major things like 3rd year singing recitals, getting awesome jobs working for parliament, going through the steps of getting parents have built a totally new section and main floor of our house! Oma and Opa moved into an appartment...the list goes on and on and I miss it all SO much!

Know, that truley not a single day goes by that I don't think about home...not always in a sad way, don't worry!....but I think about it always in some kind of way. One of the many things I've come to realize this year is that apart from God, people are the most important thing in life!! And for me, those people are you!

I love you!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Singer DRAMA!!!

OK, this just in.......DO NOT accidentally get your arrogant German singer teacher mad!

As a little background FYI, lets just say, the beginning of this semester has been the opposite of smooth! The international office forgot me, therefore I wasn't registered in the school...therefore, therefore,....I didn't have any kind of instrumental lessons (being a music student, these are somewhat essential )

Step 2, I got registered and was excitingly told that I could take piano AND singing lessons! Horray!

Step 3, I contacted, arranged, and had first piano lesson with my teacher and contacted, arranged, and had first talk/set up class with my singing teacher.

Step 4, ....was told that apparently now exchange students can only have lessons in one subject and that piano teacher was full, therefore I couldn't have piano lessons so I had to take singing................oooookkkk.

Step 5, was told that I could no longer take singing lessons with my first singing teacher.

Step 6, ...Now had to get in contact with a new lady and set up lessons with her.

Step 7, ...Contacted second singing teacher who had no idea that I was studying with her, and wondered basically what I was talking about.

Steps 1 through 7 came out to equal a VERY aggravated me. So, after talking with my mom, it was executively decided that I needed to stick up for myself and stop getting thrown around. So I mustered up all my courage and sent an email to the Prof. in charge of me, telling her how it was, that I was real frustrated and I wanted her to get to the bottom of this.

Well, the next day my singing teacher emailed me...said come by and sing for me and we'll arrange lessons. "Excellent!" I, I have to do this speaking up thing more often....

So that brings us to today...where I went for my first lessons with Frau Kelling. An extremely skinny lady with pencil thin eyebrows and a real singers attitude (which means you think you are the best in the world)......who now reminds me of Cruella De Vil!

The lesson began with her telling me a couple ....lets say "unpleasant" facts....(and these were all in German so they sound even more intimidating!)

#1. Did I know that I had the President of the University calling her at 10 pm on a Thursday night becasue of the email I had sent?? (believe me, my intetion by telling one Prof. I was frusterated was not to get the president involved!)

#2. Did I know what an amazing and well known teacher she is? and who do I think I am?...followed by her saying that she thought I must be an absolutly brilliant singer in order for me to create such a stir...followed by me saying I've never taken singing lessons IN MY LIFE!

Yes, well, after I had apologized a few thousand times and told her the real story, she decided it was actually time to sing and let me know AGAIN that she thought I must be like some famous singer named "Colours" (that I've never heard of)........

So, I sang "la, la, la" about 4 times and she said I actually had a really lovely voice and now we're meeting twice a week for lessons cause I only have............6 WEEKS LEFT!!!!!!

And that my friends was I feel just the beginning or the drama that revolves in the "Singers" world. I'm hopin' I can make it through!!



SO, I have to write about my time in Munich because it has a whole bunch of great stories that come along with it.....but I am going to save that for a day where I have nothing to say....that day is not today :)

Today, I just said bye to 3 friends that came to visit me from Amsterdam!!
Yesterday I got an email saying "Hey Katrina! 2 of us want to come visit you TONIGHT! is that alright?" (these are people that I worked/lived with when I was volunteering at the hostel).... at first I thought "well I havn't even been home for 24 hours...I have school, blah, blah, blah....but I'm really working on not letting opportunities pass through my fingers AND keeping a busy schedual so I talked some sense into my head and said
"Please come! I'd love to see you!....Let me know when your train comes in and I'll pick you up at the station!"

Reply--"Oh, actually we're going to HITCHHIKE! hopefully we get there sometime around 8ish?"

Well, to make a long story short,......7 random rides, 6 hours and a couple funny stories later, I picked up my friends Coen (Dutch), Carmi (New Zealander) and Heather (Candian) infront of the Dom (big cathedral) where they were sitting on the ground eating bread and chocolate spread they had brought with them from home. hahhaha It was so great to see them again!

We went back to my place, hung out, I got caught up on everthing that I've missed in the last month etc. It was really cool to have them here, and I think it was interesting for them to see me in a different setting, outside of our usual house.....when you live together with a bunch of people, its easy to forget that they have lives that go on in other parts of the world.

Anyway, this morning I went to class, came back and we made a big breakfast before they headed off to see a bit of Köln and then hitchhike their way back to Amsterdam.....I hope they're doing alright right now!

I don't know about this hitchhiking thing.....obvioulsy its great cause it costs nothing...but you can't really have a "time of arrival" cause you really never know! Don't worry Parentals.....I don't think this one's gunna try it ;)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Today. today, today, today.....

So today,

...has been a pretty regular day I must say :)

Therefore, I figured I would take some time to re-cap the my blog (blog didn't rhyme)

The gap---began end of Jan. and spanned to almost the end of April. What did I do??

Well, beginning Feb, to mid April was semester break! The school system is just completely different here, including semester beginnings and ends. In September I dreamed that during this 2 month break I would somehow find the perfect travel buddy and I would go snowboarding in the Alps for a week, to Spain for a week etc etc.........this did not exactly happen, but! I still had a blast!

Feb--I was in Köln for most of the time.....I did things including going to some friends houses for weekends, getting extremely sick for 3 days straight--->like didn't leave my bed for 3 days kinda sick.....but the best part by far, was when my friends Cara and Angie came to visit me! We met up in PARIS, toured the city for 4 days and then they came back to Köln with me and experienced Karnival (a giant German costume festival) and other things in the city! It was so great to have them here!

March till mid April--> This time was definilty a highlight of the entire year! I lived in Amsterdam for 6 weeks, volunteering at a Christian Hostel there. I got to live with 30 other volunteers from all over the world! We worked around 6 hours a day 6 days a week in the hostel (either cooking in the cafe, cleaning the kitchen, talking to guests, basically just being around to give the hostel a fun environment). I really liked the work, but I think my favourite part with the living was almost like living in residence again. There was always someone around to go for a run with, shopping, talk, play music or whatever, plus, the international environment made for alot of hilarious jokes interms of people mis-interpreting things in the language and funny accents etc.

I really like the Dutch people too, and I think I might want to do a work and travel thing in Holland sometime! The language is right inbetween English and German, so I could actually understand people....somtimes :) just sounds People say german sounds aggresive or really "throaty"...but these people have not heard Dutch!

Anyway, gotta go.....
till next time!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Three days till Munich!!

Trying to hold to my promise, here I am again, actually writing 2 days in a row!

I've just been practicing guitar....I think the two "practical" things I've learnt this year, that I will really take with me for the rest of my life will be the language and guitar!

I started last semester with this beginner course, bought a guitar from this girl at school and havn't stopped playing since! I love it! If I go a day without playing her, I actually miss it! (unlike die Klavier)

So, in three days I'm going to Munich!! I can't wait! Part of my goal for the next 2 months is to have something planned for every weekend!! This way, during the week school, practicing and volleyball will keep me busy and weekends will fly by due to the events!

My friend Frida (she's another exchange student from Finnland) and I are leaving Thursday night and hopping in a car with someone who's going to drive us to Munich. They have this thing in Germany called "Mitfahrt"--which means "driving with"--basically there's companies that organize carpooling and we're giving it a shot! Thomas is his name--we've talked about it and decided we'll shorten it to Tom Tom.....its about a 6-7 hour drive so we figure we'll be on a nickname basis by the end. :D

Yes, so, the plan is...get to Munich thursday night, there's this "Frühlings Fest" going on...some German celebration of spring.....(personally I feel these people have festivals for EVERYTHING...ex. lets celebrate Oktober, Spring, Karnival, there's one's called "Strong Beer Fest"....havn't heard of one called "Weak Beer Fest"--but I wouldn't put it past them lol....but even though I chirp, I love it!!)....They have so many cool traditions. I will have to let you know what goes on for this one!

...back to the plan....arrival Thursday, then Friday, SAturday and Sunday = walking tours, sight seeing, shopping, Wießwurst eating before noon apparently....(I was told that when in Munich, you HAVE to go eat a große Wießwurst for breakfast....not sure why..but am determined to do it) and celebrating Spring!

So that is all for now. Talk to you soon!


Monday, April 27, 2009

Gettin' back in the game

So, for some reason I have a new desire to write here again.

I thought about it at first, and thought "oh man! then I'll have so much to write and try and re-cap from the last 4 months that I have written nothing...its too much work!"....but I decided just to give a brief summary of my reflections and then just start where I am in the here and now.

I hope to just write about some of the dumb stories that happen during my days..stories that I would normally tell people "at the end of the day" when I go will be my "people at home" :)

So, first of all, I'm still here....still in the land of the Germans....I have 2 months left and I am definitely getting excited to come home!! I can't believe its somehow been almost 8 months that I've been here! That seems so unrealistic to think, but when I look at all the lessons I've learnt, I know it must not have been a dream.

Now, I'm not talking about lessons in school or German etc....although there have been many of those.....the things I've learnt about myself, about culture, people, and what's important in life out-way anything I could learn in school. Even thought now, I'm a little bit wishing for the end to come already, I wouldn't trade this experience for anything!

So, for the little dumb story of the day....
This morning I went to my Piano Improv class, which normally has 5 people in it, and it just so happened that I was the only one there. Therefore, I got to have the little old German piano-man professor all to myself! :).....This guy is an improv genious! I basically spent the class listening to him create peices on the spot as examples to me of what its like to just
"benutze dein Kopft oder das Wetter.....dann du ein Melodie hast!"--"use your head, or the weather and you'll have a melodie!"--ya easier said then done buddy!
Anyway, I enjoyed myself, and wondered at his amazing abilities. I havn't learnt as much jazz piano as I had possibly hoped for this year, when I found out the program existed....but because I traded in my classical piano lessons (hallelujia!) for singing lessons, I'll have more time to spend with improv stuff.

Anyway, that is all for now! but I will be back soon k!
Miss you guys and can not WAIT to see you in 2 months!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, January 19, 2009

the list continues.....

Today as I was walking along, after writing that last blog...other things just kept popping into my mind, so I wanted to continue the list so
#1. I can look back and remember these things!
#2. hopefully one day I can write about them to :)

SO, more things that I would love to blog about

10. The lady that works at the "Shoppers Drugmart" called "DM" here......she is probably the most perkiest German person I have and will EVER meet! Sometimes....(like today) I wanted a study break and decided I needed to buy hair elastics, so I got to go to DM and go through the ladies line. Just the way she says "hi", "bye" and "how would you like to pay for that?"......sounds like she's just so glad to see you and this interaction is the most exciting thing in the world.....LOVE her!

11. I'm going to be accompanying my friend Greta who plays the saxaphone! Its the first time I've ever accompanied another instrumentalist! The music is really long and hard, but I'm looking forward to this experience, I hope I learn alot!

12. I'm so excited that two of my friends from Waterloo and coming to visit me in February! We're going to spend 4 days traveling Paris and then they'll come back to my place for 5 days! WOOO HOOO!

13. I can not believe that I am wrapping up my first semester here. This week and next week I have some tests and then its all done! Time has flown! 5-ish more months only!

ok I think that is all now :)

Poor Blog

My poor, poor little Blog....
It's so lonely and forgotten.

I'm sorry to my 6 bog readers....I'm sure by now the number has dwindled down to 2 lol
I've just had kein Lust (no want) for posting. Everyday there's a million things that I think about that I think "Oh man! I wish I was still writing my blog cause that would be totally fun to talk about!".....but then I just never do.....I don't know why.

On the upside, I guess I've discovered I could never be a newspaper writer, where you have to write everyday (Sorry Aunt Ruth, I can't try and follow your legacy.....may be Jake or Ava will be up for the challenge :)

Things I would write about and hope to one day are.......
1. My German class.....very funny sometimes. I picture us in a movie, something sorta like The Breakfast Club......what do you get when you have 2 French, 1 Spanien, 1 Belgium, 3 Japanese, 3 Chinese, 2 Israelis, an aweful German prof.....oh and 1 Canadian! guessed it, my German class lol

2. My choir weekend that was from Jan 4-6.......had a blast!! I can't say enough about the people, the castle we stayed in and the music we make!

3. My choir concert! It was an amazing performance and we were joined by a Finnish accapella group that did the second half of the concert......they won the all European accapella competition the last 2 years......let me just say, UNBELIEVABLE! (Rojaton-look them up on youtube)

4. The fact that my roomates leave their food to get moldy and dishes everywhere in the kitchen, poor Cara has heard me vent.

5. How much I love playing volleyball here and its so great that I can play 3 times a week!!

6. My latest little friend from Guatemala! I met him at volleyball, he's about 5 foot 5 and is a phenomenal player! We get along real great and hopefully he will be a travel buddy for me.

7. The fact that I have good days and bad days here, days where I'm real homesick and days that I really enjoy what I'm doing and learning.

8. The fact that I miss all of you like crazy and know I will be ever so happy to reunite one day!

9. ....ok I must go practice the piano.

I love you! and keep checkin in here! I'm gunna try and be a better blogger again! a late new years resolution I guess you could say.


Thursday, January 1, 2009

Catholic Cathedrals and Christmas Eve

Well Christmas has definitely been real different, but definitely also really great! Me and my mom cooked a scrumptious Christmas dinner on the eve. I mean this food was Amazing!! Shrimp, special German noodles, salad, roasted eggplant, Champaign etc! After the deliciousness, we called my dad and talked to him for a bit, its me and my mom’s first Christmas apart from the papa bear ☺

So, because I live 10 minutes away from Europe’s biggest Gothic Cathedral, we decided we would attend the Midnight Mass. After reading up about it and talking to Tourist Information, we found out doors opened at 11pm, but its good to get there at 10ish in order to get seats.

At promptly 11, the doors opened and we were part of a mosh-pit-ish crowd, funneling into the majestic doors of the Dom Cathedral. We got our seats surrounded by thousands of other people attending this service. This was the first full scale Catholic mass I’ve ever attended, and I found it really interesting.

The organ music was great! The 120 person choir sounded like an assembly of angels, singing and praying was all good but……..the one thing we decided we could real easily do without is the incense!

Its hard to actually explain the enormacity that is this church. Its just sooooo tall and wide. We estimated 12 of our churches could fit inside this one……and the amount of incense that was goin on in this building still had everyone chocking!!

When I got home I researched they use/symbolism of the incense in the Catholic church and found that it symbolizes prayers going up to heaven, and it symbolically cleanses the people in the church. Interesting and powerful when you see floating up, but maybe the guy at the front could just give the burning smelly stuff one good shake and then stop?...instead of whirling his arm off?

The Mass ended around 1:45am and we were into bed by 2…..probably the latest I’ve ever stayed up on Christmas eve. But as I mentioned in a previous blog, Santa doesn’t do his round in Germany on the 24th, so I didn’t have to worry about going to sleep early so he could come.
So there ya have it. Christmas 2008, in a different country, in a different language, in a different Church, but still with part of my family! This weekend we’re also going to see my relatives for a couple nights, so we’ll get a couple bigger family gatherings in yet too.

Fröliche Weihnachten and Merry Christmas!!

Ich habe meine Mutter!

Yesterday, I went to the airport to holt meine Mutter ab. (pick-up my mom). And oh what wonderful day! The hug we shared when she came out of the “Arrivals” gate was priceless. As we waited for our train we shared the comment that it seems like we had seen each last week. Its crazy how time can fly by, but love stays.

SO, last night once we got settled in, I took her to three different Weihnachtsmarkts and we shared Glühwein , food and spazieren (talking). I feel really grown-up to have my mother come and visit me at my apartment in Europe! I feel like I should be 30 instead of 21.

Anyway, I can’t wait to spend this week with her! There’s just tons of shopping, talking and catching up to do AND it’s the greatest cause I get to do it with my mom!!