Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A Coffee a Day

Some things have changed and some have stayed the same……

While I still indulge in my hourly or bi-hourly green tea, I have come to drink a coffee a day. I don’t know how it happened, but I think it is unavoidable here. EVERYONE drinks coffee!

Also, now, bread is not only a staple on my grocery list, but I eat it quite regularly…..who would have though eh?! I really, really miss homecooked meals and tomato sauce though!! Yesterday, for the fist time since I’ve been here ,I actually cooked something on the stove (besides heating up soup). I tried to make my own tomato stew/sauce….I would give it a rating of 5 out of 10. It has some great ingredients but holds a bit of a non-existent taste ☺…Mom, I wish you and your mouthwatering cooking skills were here! I’ve made the decision to eat in the Uni Mensa (caf) for lunch everyday, because its cheap and the food is hot as well as somewhat tasty.

Something I was contemplating yesterday though, was how most Europeans seem to be so slim. This is a bit of a mind boggler because food is a CENTRAL part to their daily lives. You can’t walk 10 steps without passing a bakery, sandwich shop, or restaurant! And these places are not filled with mass amounts of healthy vegetables or fruit….while you can order that if you like, meat and bread are the staples. I’ve come to the conclusion that the European secret is walking everywhere and using NON-processed foods. For example, sandwiches are made with fresh bread, cheese, tomatoes and meat…..none of our popular white fluff bread, plastic cheese and frozen, deep-fried meat (or however they make a Wendy’s “meat” patty).

Another fact that hasn’t changed, but hasn’t stayed the same I just realized is my lack of ability to spell (which my Dad can verify)….its digressing! Many German words are similar to English in sound, but are spelt different. For example, when we use the letter “C” they often use “K” …..Composition is Kompostion, and I can’t think of any better examples right now…but what it equals is both my English and my German spelling to be atrocious! Thank GOODNESS for spell-check!

Well, ich muss zur Schule gehen. Bis später!!

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