Monday, October 6, 2008

A very bad morning

So today was a very bad morning. (I feel I am writing a lot of negative posts right now, but that’s because its all new right now. I have a lot of adjusting to do and figuring out to figure out, so its sometimes tiresome) (but also I find that annoying situations sometimes tend to make the funnier stories and I want this blog to be entertaining ☺ ( also also, I have no doubt that life will improve once everything has fallen into place, so)

Today began. 8 o’clock, my alarm went off. I got up and tried to find this office where I’m supposed to apply for my German residence permit. I had been there before with my cousin the first day I got here, but I was missing some papers, so the lady had sent me away and told me to come back with this, this and this. So today I went back with this, this and this glad that I could get this permit so I don’t have to worry about it. Well, when I arrived and spoke with this woman again, I was told that I also need my bank card, which is in the mail. “Come back with your Konto (bank) number.”…..Come on lady……I have 10 papers here for you, you can see that this is who I am, the card’s in the mail, lets just make a deal no?...that is of course what I thought but did not say. I understand that for something like this, everything must be in order, but coming to see her lovely face for a third time is not at the top of my “favourite things to do” list. (and you know that I have a favourite list ;)

Next, I went home to try and set up my internet. I cannot wait for the day that it works! (which who knows when that will be) I called this man who’s supposed to help with problems. He spoke English which was helpful, but I have a Mac. And people aren’t as familiar with Mac’s here aaaaaannnnndddd all my Mac menus are in English so he didn’t really know what to tell me. So we tried this one thing and he told me to call if it still didn’t work. Well of course it didn’t work, so I tried to call again and my phone told me I had run out of minutes! Aaaaarrrrrgggg! I have a pre-pay plan, so when your minutes are up so is your ability to call ppl. Therefore I have a phone that doesn’t work as well as Internet that doesn’t work (yes both are fixable somehow, but at that moment it was just pushing the line on my patience.) So, I said foget it to both and went to school for my first German lesson.

I was signed up for an intermediate class which I thought I would try because I’ve found that picking up and using the language here is a lot easier then at home! Yes well, I definitely miss my German class at home when we could put up our hands and ask her to tell us what something meant in English. My class was filled with people from Poland, Russia, Korea, Italy, France etc. I realized how ignorant I am to think that everyone in my classes would speak English, or that questions could be answered in English. Yes, lets just say it was a bit of an eye opener and lets also just say that I moved a class down ☺ most students in this class had been at this school for a year already. So that was disappointing, but I think I will be able to learn so much better in this other class.

That concludes the morning and the badness of today. I then met up with my professor who told me I wouldn’t really have homework which is excellent, but I’m going to have to do a lot to just understand what is being said in class. I don’t really know how I’m going to do it.

After this, I met up with my friend Lilia for lunch. She is my sunshine! I will have to do a blog on her too. She is German, but we are both new here so both feel the same overwhelm-ment (I know that’s not a word), so we listen to each other and make sad faces and let each other know that we are not in this alone. My favourite line from her is “The world is shitting…everything is shitting”…..hahhahaha

Hope you’re having a good day wherever you are! I miss you all terribly, but my chin is up and I’m taking each day one minute at a time. Love love!

PS-This just in….Jelena (Roomate #1) informed me that her father is coming to visit her today for the first time in 2 years. I thought “oh! How wonderful, ….this will be some excellent bonding time for the two of them!”……uuuhhh make that the FOUR of us!....crazy Russian violin virtuoso father is staying with us in our tiny flat and sleeping on a mat on her floor!!!! Is this really happening?!

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