Thursday, October 16, 2008


Ok, so yes classes are real hard to understand but I would say over half of them are more “doing” the music then talking…..which is great for me! I am the only exchange student in all my classes, but there are always people who are willing to help me and want to speak English.
The best part of today was……Music warm-ups….half the class was talking, half the class was spent doing some awesome rhythm games! Guitar class- I spent the class learning how to string a guitar!....and my favorite class (it may even beat Gospel Choir) is my Gospel and Blues piano masterclass!!

I have discovered a new passion… is called BLUES/GOSPEL PIANO! There were only five people in this class, but it is considered full. This is because it’s a group piano lesson. I asked the prof. if I could just sit in and listen….its not for credits its purely for interest sake. Everyone sat at an instrument, the prof. played a type of bongo drum, I sang and in-between his instructions we jammed. Basically, the best class EVER! I hadn’t been exposed to a lot of blues piano playing but as of today I hope that will change! I want to be these people! No more trills, expressivo, straightforward, see what is written, learn it, memorize it and perform it for an audience that is not supposed to make a sound until the performer has taken a breath after the last note. NOPE! That is not Blues style, and that is also not for me……anymore……..I hope.

You see, I walked away from this class yesterday thinking I have to cancel my classical lessons here and learn improv. from a student if all the teachers are taken. My mother said “don’t close any doors….maybe your piano teacher will be open to you doing some jazz pieces…”
Well today (Thursday) I had my lesson and the hopefully open teacher, shut all my hopeful doors! I tried to break it to Frau Shurmann that I would love to play pieces that aren’t necessarily all classical….for example some dance? Jazz? etc.?......answer from Frau Shurmann herself

“Yes well once you’ve chosen a Sonata by Haydn, Mozart or Bach and completed 2 other classical pieces that will hopefully give you more control of your fingers,…. THEN we could MAYBE make a compromise with some type of dance work”…..I can’t do it….I can not do it!

Perhaps another reason I loved my Blues masterclass was …..Martin? ☺
Now, I’ve been really adamant about not being interested musicians in general and especially at this school….mostly because I think they all take music way too seriously and suck all the fun out of it, buuuuuuuttt I may have to make an exception……..

Martin came in late and sat in the corner. I didn’t really notice him at first…that is until he played the piano! He is amazing! He improvised everything and came up with an incredible performance that had everyone’s feet tapping and head boppin! (the fact that he’s slightly tall…..dark and handsome is just a bonus!) After class I talked to the prof. and asked if he knew any students that would be willing to give me lessons…..his response?.....Martin! So the options here are as follows

1. Take lessons with Frau Shurmann (that don’t count for credits at school) who wants me to play nothing but Bach, Beethoven, Mozart oh and maybe Scarlatti (if I’m lucky)…..oooorrr

2. Take lessons with young piano genius with dark brown eyes…..

Friends may I have some feedback please!? ;)

Wish you were here!!

1 comment:

  1. ugh! dont you hate tough decisions?!?!?! NOPE! trine. martin sounds like a pretty decent choice here...hahah. do you say his name with an accent? comme le francais?...mar-ten. with emph on the ten? wheres he from? im sooooo interested haha. glad you are being inspired!!! missssss you!
