Monday, October 6, 2008

The difference between Germany and Canada

Well, I figured I’d better do a comparison of countries before I become accustomed to everything here and forget what used to “WOW” me.
To start off I’ve really felt like there are more similarities then differences actually. I expected to come to a country where I felt totally out of place and would stick out like a sore thumb, but its not the case. When I walk along the streets, I play “pretend I’m a German”, where I do exactly that! As I walk I look at people and in my head think…”She doesn’t know I’m from Canada…..they don’t know I’m from Canada!”…and it gives me great glee!! Now, when I have to open my mouth that’s a whole other story. I stumble over the words and mess up their messed up grammar. (whoever came up with masculine, feminine and neutered EVERYTHING was not a genious) haha
So back to the differences (some which I like and some with I dislike, perhaps I will put an “L” for like or “D” for dislike at the end of each point?

#1. Houses and all buildings are completely made out of concrete. NO wooden frames, walls, doors etc. and also very few carpets (if you fun into these wonderful things that keep your feet from turning to ice, they are usually very small and thin area rugs) this equals everyone owning slippers or Birkenstocks, because if you walk around in your home in bare feet or only socks you will be FREEZING! Trust me! (ps-cara, I wear those slippers that your gramma made ALL THE TIME! Tell her that I love them and I lover her! ;) “D”-that is for dislike-because I’m always cold.

#2. Flushing toilets-here there isn’t just one lever that you push and the toilet does the rest of the work, generally (but not always) there are 2 buttons on the wall or toilet,. You push the one button to start the flush and push the other side to end it once you’ve successfully watched the contents of your visit to the bathroom disappear. “L” and “D”- like that it saves a lot of water this way and it was something different to do. Dislike because, well, there’s other things I’d rather watch ☺

#3. The little streets- they have man streets that are only for walking, and these are all in cobblestone. Its so beautiful! Also on every street corner is a shop that is selling “Brotchin”-which are little sandwiches, usually with cheese, meat, lettuce and tomato on 5 million different kinds of bread. These places also sell pastries and coffee. Big fat “L”

#4. School-yes I suppose I am going to school. I learned something grand today though! Most classes do not include HOMEWORK!....when the professor that’s in charged of me told me this, I looked at her with huge eyes….”you mean, we don’t have assignments?...presentations?....readings?....essays? and on and on!??!?!”….she said, “yes, the school system here is very different then in Canada, because our students are practicing so many hours on their instruments, we do not assign homework very often. Sometimes there will be readings but generally no assignments. However, if students want to do research or a paper or a presentation in the subject, then they can say this to the teacher and he will accept it.”…….in my head I’m thinking (Bitte?! (pardon)….if the student WANTS to create projects for himself then he can do them, is this for real?) I don’t think I will want to leave school! Hahaha JOKING
(now this is the good news, read my next blog when I completely loose it because of the fact that I’ve realized “What was I thinking coming to a school where I can barely understand normal speech let along any kinda of lecture with academic words. Words that I’ve probably never heard in English let alone DEUTSCH!) “L” and “D”-love no homework-dislike inability to understand (but that wil come right…..I am praying ☺

#5. I almost forgot-J-walking! know where you check both ways and walk across the street even when the street sign still says “talk to the hand”….yes well, those who have walked with me in waterloo know I am a BIG fan of this!....perhaps its lack of patience, but I just prefer to cross the street if I know I can, rather then wait for the light to turn. Well when my relatives brought me to Köln and we were walking around, I went into my natural J-walking habit. My cousin right away said to me “You better be careful Katrina! If the Polizei catch you doing that, there is big time fines!” So now I’m scared and have been doing much less J-walking. I only do it if someone else is doing it….possibly not the best philosophy in life, but for this I think its ok.

That just about wraps it up for now… There are other things such as a little bit of fashion etc. but I’ve already mentioned those, I’m sure there are more things, but I’ve gotten used to them already, I will add to the list when I remember.

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