Saturday, October 4, 2008

This one’s for the Girls……and my cousin Josh ;)

Kaufen!! (Shopping!)

So, today I braved the innercity/city centre. I say braved because my roommate told me never to go on a Saturday because it is tourist crazy today. Well, I figure I generally like crowds, because this lends itself to excellent people watching…(which happens to be a small hobby of mine) and I like shopping so I would give it a shot just to get out of my room!....I mean how bad could it be really?
I checked out a bunch of shops but very quickly found myself thinking I had had enough. I did however learn quite a few things about Euro fashion and myself, I will list them as follows. (and yes I do LOVE making lists even though I am not a completely organized person)

#1. These are the fashions that I think will be hitting the North American market in the next year based on what I’ve seen here.
a) leather boots and all boots in general- Here everyone wears boots that come up just above your calf, mostly in brown and black leather. These are worn with leggings and a skirt or long shirt and a leather jacket that sits right above your bum. That my friends is the typical Euro wear. But you could truly wear anything and not look out of place, its very similar to Canada in that way.
b) ALSO much to my delight! Cowboy boots are on the shelves as boots you would wear everyday!!!.....they are so cool and I encourage you to start the trend early at home!
c) Broaches- This is just my predication, but I saw one of those old school broaches with the profile of a lady with her hair in a loose bun, and then it has kinda lacy metal around the edges of the picture……do you know what I mean?......anyway, I hope in two years from now, everyone will walk around with a giant (yes Hoggy I stole your word ;) broach on their shirt.
d) Josh! I think if you saw the shoes here, you’d fall over! Europeans have “dirty” shoes buddy. (come visit!)

#2. The second thing I learned was that shopping and people watching is always better with a friend. Its not the same to say to yourself “hey look at that girl! Can you believe what she’s wearing!?” or “Check that guy out…..decent eh?” :P
I thought about each and everyone of you today. I saw things that you would like and wished you were here so I could show it to you. I also love shopping with friends cause I always think that I don’t have the style to pull things off and I need some one to tell me that I can. There is some EXCELLENT shopping to be done here, so when you come expect a top notch experience and if you are not coming, expect it the day that you decide to travel in Europe!

#3. Since this is for the girls, I will include some boy gossip. Yes ladies there are some good looking guys here and NO!...they do not all wear tight jeans, tight shirts and scarves! Hahaha (though many wear scarves but its easy to get used to and looks good. ☺

So, that is all for now. Komm heir und wir werden kaufen!! Come here and we will go shopping!!

1 comment:

  1. I WANT TO COME SHOPPING FOR COWBOY BOOTS WITH YOU:) and meet men that look good in scarves! haha miss u! xoxo
