Thursday, October 9, 2008

So you really do learn new things everyday....

I think here, I learn a million new things everyday….and then re-learn the same things the next couple days because I usually have to hear a word three times before it sticks or take a train a couple times before I know exactly where I need to get off.
Today I learnt:

a) The name for a “grand piano”….which I forget now, but it starts with an “f” and sounds kinda like “flute”…. Wait! I just looked it up and the word is Flügel…and it is a “he” so it is technically “der Flügel”……. I think it is committed to long term memory now. This is helpful to me because when I go to try and reserve a piano practicing room, I no longer have to say “Ich möchte ein Zimmer mit gross/gut Klavier, bitte” which translates into (I would like a room with a big/good piano, please). I think I will now sound more literate….hope at least.

b) That practicing 3 hour a day may be more difficult then I thought because you can’t just go and practice when ever your heart desires….nooooooo no no, that would be too easy! Man (the German word for people in general) must get up and go to school early in the morning to reserve a practicing room in the morning, because they get booked up for the entire day super fast! And Man can only book them for 2 hours at a time…a slight problem for my 3 hour goal.

c) I learnt how to take the train by myself! Up until today I have always been with someone else, but I ventured on my own and it is so easy! The German transport system is sehr schnell (fast) und gut! You never have to wait long and they have signs telling you how many minutes until the next train comes….which is normally no more then 5 min.

Everyday I learn
a) That I really like my roommates, but my favorite thing is NOT listening to both of them practice at the same time (for example right now).

b) The thing I dislike most in life is technical problems involving computers and internet. Today I spent 3 hours taking trains and walking around this one part of the city trying to find this building that was supposed to fix my internet problems…once I found it they gave me a user account that said would work, but alas once again I am in an internet “café” sitting next to a dirty man drinking cheap beer and smoking kindly in my face.

c) That free public drinking is hard to get used to. There are always people drinking as they walk down the street, on the train, as they ride their bikes etc. at all hours of the day and night. It still kinda catches me off guard. I think the city would look a lot cleaner with out it.
d) This is a big growing experience that I’m on. With all this independence comes new challenges.. some which I like and others which I still wish my dad could fix ;)

Living in a German land has been quite the experience and everyday I am trying to keep my chin up, learn lots and have a great time doing it all! Sometimes easy, sometimes the opposite ☺

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