Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Life begins to unfold

This weekend I met a bunch of other exchange students though! I really like them! They go to the University of Köln and are studying things such as medicine, political science, social science etc….everything but music which is a nice change ☺ It was nice to meet these people because they have a similar mind set as me. They are here to meet people, explore, have fun…….oh and study ;) (mom these things are not in order from most important…..OBVIOUSLY school is top priority. Haha)…..oh and speaking of studying, I’ve attended 4 of my 11 courses and am loving it!( I am loving the courses and the fact that class is sometimes followed by a "class beer", which everyone including the prof. partakes in. )
There are so many AWESOME courses at this school! This is my line up

1.German (a necessity!)
2. Old Music (a music history course)
3.Sprecheziehung ( I have yet to have this class, but its going to help me with my speech and accent)
4. GOSPEL CHOIR!! ( I cannot wait for this!)
5. Warmups in Musik (how to teach warm-ups for musicians, why they’re important, which ones are best etc.)
6.Blues/Gospel masterclass (I’m just passively attending this course which means I go, but don’t play cause its full…but I think I will still learn a lot!)
7.Concert pedagogy (how to plan, run and choose pieces for children’s choir concerts)
8.Liedbelatung auf Guitarre (how to lead a class with guitar! So I will be learning guitar as well!)
9.Basic conducting
10. Piano pedagogy (how to teach piano)
11. Piano lessons (where I actually have to play)

SO, this is my course load. Most classes are an hour and a half a week, four are 1 hour. It equals about 20 hours of class plus practicing….I think I will be busy!....(and remember little to no homeworkd and every class I walk away from I love! Its still really difficult for me to understand all the complex academic terms, but after class when I go and talk to the teachers, they’re all so wonderful and excited for me to take their class. I’m excited for this semester!

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