Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Eine Deutsche Hochzeit

I am sorry that I haven’t written for 100! This weekend I visited my relatives in a town a 2 hour and 45min train ride from Köln. It was a great weekend! Being taken care of as well as getting to attend a German wedding were my highlights! I wanted to explain this wedding for my friends that are married, are getting married and those who just like weddings ☺

So the day began at 11 oclock. The ceremony was about an hour…very similar to our ceremonies. The bride and groom only have a wedding party of 2 here though. One bridesmaid, one groomsman. After, the ceremony, everyone went into the basement of the church for Mittagessen. A huge buffet! There were 15 different salads! Fish, 3 different hot meats, potatoes, pasta, hot vegetables…..you name it, they had it!

There were no table numbers or lists stating where people should sit. Everyone just sat with whoever they wanted, wherever they wanted on long rectangular tables.

Next was photo time. Here there was a definite lack of creativity. No pictures were taken of the men jumping in the air….girls sticking out their tongues, boys with the girls bouquets etc. Just one pic after another of the bride and groom with basically all 200 guests!

What I have named “Tiny Talent Time” followed…..it was the program part of the day where anyone who wanted could come up and say a poem or speech, sing a song, or whatever they wanted for the couple.

My favourite part of the day came next! Kaffee und Kuchen! (coffee and desert!)….it is its OWN meal! HA….I think at my wedding I will do the same….I mean really, why have it as a small ending to your main meal, when you could wait a bit and have dessert as its own event! There were around 50 cakes, plus cookies, plus fruit, plus, plus, plus……….delicious!

So that concluded the “formal” day BUT, then the couple had all the young people over to their apartment for an after party!! They had a beautiful apartment, totally newly refurbished, new floors, all new furniture, dark chocolate brown leather couches (that I loved!) There were around 25 people at this party and it was so much fun! Friends planned games for the bride and groom that were hilarious and everyone talked and celebrated. All in all a really great day!

I think this wedding was very similar to our weddings in Canada, but the day structure was a bit different. Well Heidi, I’ll have to tell you more about it on the phone, I may try and convince you to go with Dessert supper, instead of a main meal ;) Hope you are all doing excellent!

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