Thursday, October 9, 2008

The day I made 6 friends

So today was a really good day! To contrast yesterdays below standard performance of how a day should be. I met 6 new friends today and actually have 2 of their numbers in my Handi!(the name for cellphone)

Today was also the first time I’ve met anyone from North America here. I met not one, not two, but three Americans which was really nice. We all agreed its so different to speak to people who have English as their native tongue. Two of them come from California and one guy from Detroit. Cool, so that was good. ….but I have met zero Canadians still!

Next I met a guy from England or from London as he put it….. Because I guess if you come from London, you say you come from London instead of saying you come from England. Perhaps London is more posh?!.....a word that I have been using more because he said it a lot. Ha.

So let me talk about this new friend, because he’s really funny. His name is Huw (Hue, but apparently he spells it the “better” way) Wiggins. Such an English name! Me and my friend Andrea from California ragged on him a lot for his accent. English people don’t say “t”’s if they’re in the middle of a word such as “eating” is spoken “ea-ing” and “sitting” is spoken “si-ing” hahahaha every once in a while we’d try and talk with the British accent and stick our noses in the air….which was always followed by Hue killing himself laughing.

We all went on this guided tour of the city, which we chose to do in German so we could improve our language skills, but we could barley hear the tour guide so we ended up just talking with everyone. I learned that Hue plays classical saxophone, started learning German 2 months ago, sometimes also wonders what the heck he is doing here, has a cottage in Spain! And will perhaps make a good travel buddy! (yes father, a buddy, not a boyfriend ;)

The English are definitely more polite. We were at this reception later with approx 200 foreign students from all the University’s in the area. It was around dinner time, so they had servers walking around with plates of little sandwiches. Well, everyone was starving, so as soon as the servers came out with this food, people started crowding around the servers. Hue had been complaining that he was soooo hungry, but as soon as the food came out he said (with hunger in his eyes)…”We can’t go over there can we? (like he other 100 people were doing at the moment)….We’ll look greedy!”…I kinda looked at him to see if he was kidding…then laughed and headed over to where the food was. The idea that he was worried about looking greedy in a room full of people whom he would never see again in his life, and whom were already chowing down, made me laugh inside.

I definitely got made fun of for the Canadian “eh”. I never realized before how much I love the “eh”. I don’t think any amount of teasing could make me drop it. So please at home use the “eh” proudly and use it a lot! because it is symbol of our country!
In the evening the school held a semester beginning party in one of the small concert halls and throughout the foyer. Can you say high school dance party?!..the whole scene made me laugh!

First of all, my University is very small,…around 1000 people, so it already feels like highschool….then add strobe lights, a DJ and a bunch of people that can’t dance, and you have your first highschool dance! Not gunna lie though, I LOVED IT! ☺
They played a lot of music that I knew (ex. “Surfing in the USA”….yes they did) and some music in other languages that I didn’t know. Me, my friend Lilia and my other two new friends of the day (Becky and I forget her name) rocked the dance floor!
Tonight we’re hopefully going to some salsa dancing lessons?! I’m in!

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