Thursday, October 9, 2008

A couple new decisions

I have decided (much to my mothers absolute delight) to try and bring my piano practicing up to 3 hours a day. Yes, I know before I was chirping all the musicians for practicing sooo much, but I’ve realized that this is no ordinary University. It’s a University of sorts, but its better known as a Music Conservatory…….which makes A LOT more sense! No wonder people practice so much, no wonder there is much less homework…writing and projects are not the focus here….it is you and your ability to play an instrument.

So, since I won’t have a lot of homework and about 18-20 hours of class a week, (which is only the amount of hours for a part-time job!) I started to worry about what I would do with my free time! (most of you know I don’t like a lot of free time looming over my head) So the answer came to me….I could practice piano more! (now I know what you’re thinking……”but Katrina, you never really like practicing a lot”)…this is true, but I think it will be different here because I can pick whatever pieces I want to play! BUT, I still REFUSE to become one of those music kids who only has an interest in talking about who’s performing what and when, about the unbelievable note that Violet the violinist played in last weeks master class and gossip about how much or how little Bernard the bass player is practicing. That is pushing my boundaries! But I AM going to try to increase my practicing time….especially if I’m supposed to have lessons with some genius piano player who travels the world playing! Oh boy.

Decision #2. I do not like Russian virtuoso violinist father living in our flat! Yes, he is still here and yes, I still don’t know when he is leaving…and yes, he did walk in on my going to the BATHROOM!

The flat was totally quiet, so I didn’t think that anyone was home. I went into the bathroom, closed the door, but did not bother to lock it. Well, you know the rest of the story….there was an awkward exchange of him mumbling something in Russian and me mumbling something in English. …. Before I came out, I cracked the door open to make sure no one was in the hall, then headed straight for my room and closed the door! I would just really like to know, when is the end?

I am loving the adventures and challenges that I am working through here!, but I defiantly miss my people from home! I had another conversation with Internet man today, and he’s looking into my problems. Hopefully I have my Skype up and running asap! I need to talk to you! Sending my love!

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